Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 1

I have been low carb for a little over 3 hours now.  HAHA.  I'm surviving though!  I would be carb free if I had checked the carb content of my Spark :/  It has 11g/serving so I haven't completely sabotaged myself though.  I'm shooting to consume 50g of carbs/day or lower.  This is going to be challenging but all I can think of is "RAPIDLY losing weight".  RAPID weight loss seems so amazing.  I'm so excited.  I could have results by the end of the month.  I could be significantly thinner by Thanksgiving.  I could have a HOT bod by Christmas!  Do you know what this does to my diet confidence?  I feel as though I have a will power I didn't know existed.  I know I sound ridiculous right now since it's the first morning of my diet but please understand that I feel differently about this!  I didn't sleep a wink last night (seriously, didn't doze off AT ALL) so my go-to remedy would be a nice big fat mocha with an extra shot to get me going.  I resisted that temptation and went for the Spark instead.  Also, it's really hard to come up with carb free breakfast alternatives since I'm allergic to eggs.  Oatmeal has carbs.  Cereal obviously has carbs.  Bagels are out.  My beloved jelly donuts are out.  Fruit is out due to the natural sugar content.  What am I to do?  I got frustrated grocery shopping yesterday so I gave up and thought I'd wing it this morning.  Not the best thinking on my part because I get lazy if I don't have a meal planned out and just get whatever sounds good.  I went to Safeway and got ham lunch meat.  I know it sounds weird, it's not your typical breakfast!  It feels weird to eat plain ol' ham for breakfast but I have visions of a bikini bod and dammit nothing is going to get in the way of making that vision a reality!!

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